Friday 29 April 2022

Newsletter - May


The Learning Street Newsletter - May 2022  

May 1 - Interested in reading together in a group on line, theater style, of a script? Join the Global Matrix Readers Theater team from Lifelong Educator Tracy Hanson in the USA,  and some of her team of facilitators, reading a brand new script adapted from the new book by Ellie. *** zoom link here ***  for THE E.A.R.T.H GANG: Kristy’s Wish - By Ellie Linden , more info here (fb). May 1st at 2.30 pm Vienna time :-) 

May 1 - Learning about Happiness?  Want to feel happier? Or just plain Happy? - Join the Global Happy Cafe event on Sunday May 1st at 3pm Vienna time. Streamed from the UK by the World Happiness Project, click the *** zoom link here *** to join, a little earlier if you please, find out more here. 

May 31 - WirSindWien - Opening Party - working on having a repeat reading of  THE E.A.R.T.H GANG: Kristy’s Wish - By Ellie Linden from May 1,  as a demo event for GMRT

Through May, running a pilot of TeamFox to coordinate the new Learning Circles, of KidsFox with a partner kindergarten in Freetown, Sierra Leone, and reaching out to Scout Groups with a view to a project to connect them internationally to other Scout Groups. Further developing the baseball5 activity in Kenya with South Rockies Baseball5 Team and Denis and in Sierra Leone with TINAP through Alie, as well as the Womens Entrepreneurship Training in Freetown with TINAP. 

Join The Learning Street on linkedin here on facebook here

Join the New weekly Newsletter here 

Ideas for June

June 1 to 23 - WirSindWien - looking to have a localised event in each district, an E.A.R.T.H Gang Learning Circle based on May 1 event above

June 13 to 17 - Wald Week for pre school kids at KongressBad in plan

June 20 to 24 - Wald Week for pre school kids based at Auer Welsbach Park in plan

June 27 to July 1- Wald Week based in 17th district for pre school kids - more info 

sign up here for the NEW weekly NEWsletter 

Tuesday 26 April 2022

Into the Walds...


How about a Wilderness Summer Camp week here in the woods, a Wald Kindergarten project week with co-working space for parents wishing to be in the woods alongside their kids for half the time, and yet have half the day free headspace to do their day job during the day while their kids are at play with friends...

Thinking about last week of June, pre summer for preschoolers....

( Update, thinking of three day pilot, Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday 21 hours, aligned to 21 hour working week proposal from NEF UK , schedule below to be adjusted to 21 hours... June 27-29 . prime audienc is friends with kids, and the two free schooling groups we have been attending - Target 24 kids and 24 parents/grandparents each day ...)

08.00am early start if desired
11.15 main start ... ( Bus from Hütteldorf arrives 11am )
- meet the other 3-5 year olds kids and their parents/grandparents... )
- talk through the program for week/day/summer
cook and eat lunch together
cook and eat evening meal together ( joined by parents and grandparents if desired )
camp fire with songs and soup/cocoa
review, reflect and discuss the day
20.30 last bus home.... for those who stay , but possible to leave anytime...

play/stay for an hour, a day, a week... learn skills and new friends to last a lifetime, or more...

. 🙂

We had Fun 🙂

Monday 11 April 2022

Chess creating Community ..... Lugazi and Vienna

 and educating people in "more than a game"...

Sports Organization Of Lugazi is a community organization with it's objective of Education, football, chess and personality development . The organization is located in kinyoro village

Intro  - Ssalongo Nyanzi Faizo 



May be an image of 2 people, chess, outdoors and indoor
2d and in Vienna.... 
"Spoiler: At Chess Unlimited, chess is more than just a game." "
Graphic designer Kineke Mulder regularly organizes chess meetings in the public and uses her initiative Chess Unlimited to bring people together in the game. On seats, at street festivals or in libraries, Mulder appears with a trolley full of chess and sets up the boards for each and everyone.
In 2019 Mulder was honored for his commitment to the Integration Prize Sport of the Austrian Integration Fund. Since February, she also plays every Wednesday at Café AWAT Baharat in Gumpendorfer Straße 65, where people from all over the world work together in the non-profit project of the Vienna Relief Service.
The next chess date in Baharat is tomorrow at 3pm. The next chess cafe in the foyer of Hauptbücherei on the belt will be on the 24th. Instead of March 30th at 3pm. In March there will be the "Lightning Blank" chess tournament at 48er-Tandler in the Sevenbrunnenfeldgasse 3.
May be an image of 8 people and text
Tomorrow our weekly chess starts at Café Baharat, Gumpendorfer Strasse 65! Free chess from 3-6pm ☕ ♟😃 Kineke Mulder (Chess Unlimited) takes over the host for the first time.

Children's Cinema Club

  We used to watch Tom & Jerry on Saturday mornings at the Village Hall. Let's Recreate something along those lines  Saturday'sC...