Monday 28 November 2022

Blended Learning - Stoves


Hi Folks 🤩
I just found this nifty design for a small, homemade stove that looks like it can use twigs and small bits of wood for cooking.

The Low Tech idea is about using your own labor, found or low cost materials, and shared know-how to build simple things that will make your life better. For more on this, join The Low Tech Club under Discussion Groups. (Note that when you are in the Discussion Group, you have to click [Back to Network] in the upper left of your screen to return from Low Tech Club to OpenPortal4Learning)

Would some of you be willing to build a few of these and test them out to see if they are practical in your situation? Are the materials easy to find where you live? What do you have available for fuel? For example, does this stove work if you only have dried dung or small twigs for fuel?

 Is a tiny stove like this practical, not as your only way to cook but for boiling small volumes of water or cooking just a few eggs?

If you build this stove, please take videos showing how you found the materials, what tools you used to put them together, your experiments with different fuels, and anything else someone would need to know to build one for him or herself. Include your mistakes as well as your successes. That way the next person can skip discovering how **not** to do it!

 Finally, tell us whether you think this Low Tech gadget is worth the time and effort to build it. Is it really making your life better or should others skip it and find something else to play with?

- This from source:-

- link to join OP4L here -

my response to the posting after some thought 

nigel stonham now

Ok, I shall take this posting to my homeschooling groups in Vienna and see if we can get the 5 year olds working on this as a project, perhaps (AHA!) , Friday afternoon at Arboretum Educational Centre, in the woods where there are lots of twigs ... and Friday is an Open Day ... we can report back

Adding now, we can also do a comparison with Solar Cookers. Margaret has one and Bruno in Kakuma is working on a sales campaign there where the sun shines more brightly than here.

get involved here if you wish - 


Sunday 27 November 2022

Christmas Carols


Christmas Carols

Fabulous Foldable Freebook on Rounders

1 Christmas Carols 

2 Join us for a good old sing song

- Buhne Mayer Moedling on xx December 

- Mi Barrio, Mariahilf on xx Dec

- outside Happyland, Klosterneuberg on xx Dec

3  Silent Night

4 Stille Nacht  







Flip side









Friday 25 November 2022


Fabulous Foldable Freebook on Rounders



3 4 bases, a diamond shape, hit ball from 0, run to 1, then 2, then 3, and score a rounder when back at one without being caught out. see picture 

4 Play dates 

- Dec 2 at Arboretum Villa Kraus

- Video show, Pizzeria Mama Mia  tbc 


Hi Nigel,


Thank you for getting in touch, it is great to hear that you are interested in our sport.


At this point in time, .... getting our sport into the common wealth is a mission which is on our radar at this point in time.


Any further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Kind Regards




Becky Service

Business Support Administrator
Rounders England
07399 066724



The game of rounders has been played in England since Tudor times, with the earliest reference being in 1744 in “A Little Pretty Pocketbook” where it was called baseball. Most baseball historians accept that their sport is evolved from rounders. Rounders is the name used by Jane Austen in her book “Northanger Abbey”.

The History And Rules Of Rounders.

Rounders is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams. Rounders is a striking and fielding team game that involves hitting a small, hard, leather-cased ...

rounders six - six side. if mixed, 3 of each. soft ball, hit with hand. run round a diamond shape. popular in Barbados and in Freetown on the beach as well as Kakuma and Nakivale where it was developed in 2022 by Denis 


Flip side









Monday 21 November 2022

Foldable Books


I heard of foldable books a couple of weeks ago and investigated further yesterday. Here is a 3 minute video about how to make your own foldable book for kids as an art project, that once folded they can draw pictures, colour rainbows or write a story.

I am excited about this since I have talked to some authors about using extracts of their books as reading material on A4 sheets in Kakuma and Nakivale camps. Perhaps by printing the story onto a sheet ready for folding and sending out as a pdf they can be printed locally and then used for reading circles, to form a library, or for sale by kids as a small entrepreneurship project, a bit like many American kids running  lemonade stand as their first steps in production and sale of useful things.
By creating a tangible product for sale or giving away, the cash flows can be looked at - labour costs, product licensing/author royalties, production and distribution costs. A simple cash flow and balance sheet could be produced from this :-) What do you think please? Let us know in the comments below, by email, or in the conversation here.

ps, the video was found here on Always August blog

Print them off here, fold and hang or put on mantlepiece. Each day has a nonprofitproject info on back
Give your kids a blank sheet each day and ask them to create their own
Make your own with photos, drawings or quotes/rhymes/lyrics/poems/objects each day

Thursday 17 November 2022

Art with Elvis




If you are learning to draw or do Art, and would like to speak with Elvis 
about his passion and his dream, please get in touch and we shall see 
what we can arrange ... Please comment below or write to us

Monday 7 November 2022

Adventure Dining Movember


Adventure Dining Movember 

Mon 7th Nam Nam

Fri 11th Pizzeria Mama Mia

Mon 14th Yak&Yeti

Fri 18th Aux Gazelles

Circa 11:15am til 12:45. rsvp

Children's Cinema Club

  We used to watch Tom & Jerry on Saturday mornings at the Village Hall. Let's Recreate something along those lines  Saturday'sC...