Tuesday 25 July 2023

The Learning Space

Based on simple design and local structure, The Learning Space offers wifi and learning with art on the wall for 12 people at a time. Locations are free or fee based, and we are partnering with existing locations where possible, and collaborating locally to build new spaces if affordable access to the internet is missing.

Over recent years we have gained experience through small pilots with PDRI in Kenya, Ssala Institute in Uganda and Tinap4Development in Sierra Leone, as well as in Vienna.

Sample spaces currently include :-

Shared use

Victor's Cafe, Accra, Ghana

Kin Klan, Kenya

STMP, Kenya

Dedicated Sites

Jeffs Space, Kitui, Kenya

Juliets Ssala Institute in Kampala, Uganda

Beach Cafe, Lumley Beach, Freetown, Sierra Leone

The Learning on offer is largely based on the Mattersburg Football Academy in Austria, where kids could play football, and learn a trade or profession. We are seeking applications for free or fee course offerings, and are actively building a student community across the continent. 

We intend by end of 2024 to be offering free and fee internet and free or fee courses at Micro Academies in 54 Capital cities around Africa, with a student community in Africa of some 2 million, with half paying membership of 2 dollars per month and half as scholarship students.

Teachers with Passion

We have an interesting angle at The Learning Street, that we seek unpaid "teachers", who earn elsewhere, and share their passion freely to people who are willing to learn. No admin, no unruly students, no stress. No pay, so no one can argue they don't get enough, or that someone else is valued more highly since they receive higher payments. Closes the gender gap.

Consequently we seek great people, who can impart brief lessons of high impact and lasting value. Lessons that last a lifetime.

Bill Liao - the glass is half empty or half full or an opportunity to be filled up

Thomas Power - if you want to increase social capital, just go round and talk to everyone in the room 

both those lessons are from the launch of Vienna Hub in 2005 at Aux Gazelles, and with me daily. 

We are seeking to build a program of events, creatively swiped from SOLE, where presenters talk briefly and passionately, then pose a question. Teams form and research to develop some form of answers and perhaps 4 selected teams present back to the group. Actively engaged learning.

Currently speaking with Puspharani, Howard, Rachael, Denis, Augusta, Alie, Jasmane & Philip about possible dates and times  


Friday 21 July 2023





We are a global startup community with a mission to revolutionize education and empower the next generation of thinkers, creators, and world-changers. We believe that by unlocking the power of play and innovation, we can transform education and nurture young minds like never before. With our cutting-edge programs, we foster a dynamic learning environment where Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) come to life. Through interactive games, robotics, and other educational technologies, we spark curiosity, ignite creativity, and unleash the potential within each child. But we don't stop there. Our vision goes beyond the classroom walls. We strive to create a ripple effect that resonates throughout communities, inspiring a passion for learning and a drive for positive change. By nurturing children today, we are shaping leaders and problem solvers of tomorrow. Join us on this extraordinary journey as we challenge the status quo and redefine education. Together, let's unlock the power of play and innovation, transform education, and make a lasting difference in the lives of underprivileged children worldwide.


Background Image

Jocelyn Dimaala

  1st degree connection
Educational Management (School Principal) | Lifelong Learner | The MIND is a powerful tool. Keep learning & stay cool!🌞 Education•Tech•Innovation•Sustainability
Talks about hashtag goodvibes, hashtag innovation, hashtag leadership, hashtag sustainability, and hashtag educationaltechnology
Calabarzon, Philippines  Contact info
  • 500+ connections
Daniel Roeder, Jasmane Frans, and 23 other mutual connections

Afrika Tage 2023 - 21 days of Adventure in Wien - #bestsummerever

We are planning this program to help you have the #bestsummerever

i - pre Learning by country ( each day has a different kids program - see here ) . Also explanation of the day , of goal mapping and smart goals, and creation of your basic information to bring with you, as you join a group of up to 12 on the day.

ii - arrive and join the team in the main tent ( information in ticketing when you reserve your place with us) Do not forget to also book your place on the kids program. We have another session today where we update your basic information in a second iteration to improve on it based in presenting it and discussing with others for their ideas 

then we eat in the group of up to 12, food of the day

iii - After lunch, we do a third iteration of your information, guided by some locals from the country of the day, as well as others

You can join the daily kids program. Your parents or guardians can stay with us and co-learn, co-work or wander around the show

iv - Ffter the kids program finishes, around 5.15pm, we have another team meeting to handle any questions, discuss the day, and plan future actions before saying goodbye, or perhaps staying for the evening gig.   

here are the daily countries

11/08 Algerien – Korn für Korn zum Sandbild
12/08 Namibia – Hier spielt die Musik
13/08 Sudan – Eins, zwei, drei – Farbenbrei
14/08 Ghana – Oware, spiel mit mir
15/08 Süd Afrika – Safari, afrikanische Tiere basteln
16/08 Ägypten – Papyrus schöpfen
17/08 Kongo – Regentanz im Regenwald
18/08 Tansania – Bunte Erde
19/08 Marokko – Stein an Stein zum Mosaik
20/08 Nigeria – Glückspüppchen
21/08 Libyen – Das Spiel mit dem Wind
22/08 Äthiopien – Verwickelt und Verwoben
23/08 Niger – Entlang des Plateau von Djado
24/08 Kenia – Der Stock der Massai
25/08 Mali – Bambara Masken
26/08 Mauretanien – Hübsch geschmückt
27/08 Tschad – Die Kunst der Natur
28/08 Guinea – Upcycling aus Alt mach Neu

>> alle Termine im Festival-Kalender auf einen Blick

Zeit: täglich von 14:00 bis 17:00 Uhr
Ort: Kinder-Zelt

Anmeldung: Gruppen ab 5 Kindern bitten wir bis 2 Tage vorher anzumelden: programm@afrika-tage.at  

Basic Communication Skills

As a kid we used to write thank you letters for presents received at Birthdays and Christmas. Letters followed a certain format.

We also used to write postcards from holidays to family and friends. Concise formulation was required given small space available.

Then I remember having a girlfriend, to whom I wrote lengthy letters expressing feelings and recounting acrtivities ( more of the activities and less of the feelings actually )  Then another girlfriend. There were also some penfriends along the way.

These writing activities helped develop a flow of conversation and an approach to making friends. Perhaps this is an important skill that could be revived, with the help of older people as penfriends. Use the new technology, but retain the old forms of politeness and structure ? 

This might enable people to connect better, and to have more meaningful contacts and then deeper friendships in todays often fast paced frenzy of messages and phone calls... 

Something for the communication coaches out there to look at? Writing a personal letter in an English course, as against writing a business letter.



@RehanSchool E-Learning Providers



We believe that education is a basic right of all human beings, We think that everyone in Pakistanis have a right to educate them self and become a success in there own. To make this into a reality, we used the most commonly used electronic media device, Mobile Phone, to become a Learning Device, A School. Rehan School is a mobile phone based school system that allows anyone who has a mobile phone that plays songs or videos & works WITHOUT the internet. These videos are made by celebrities who have been kind enough to give us there time to create this Amazing FUN Learning Content. This school is available Nation Wide in Pakistan in All the DVD and Mobile Phone Shops Distributed by the largest Content Distribution Company CD Bank Pakistan. The price of this content is FREE, but the mobile shop keeper may charge a small fee of 50 Rupee to Transfer the content in the required format on the mobile phone memory card. Later on this same content can be given by that phone user to anyone else, using Bluetooth for free also. We encourage you to help us, by spreading the word around, in your circles. Technology: There are 6 Billion Devices as per Wikipedia in the world, in Pakistan there are 112 Million Mobile Phones out of the 180 Million Population, which is 70% illiterate. A brand new video playing mobile phone is available in Pakistan for 1150 Rupees. No Internet is required for this School System to work.

Children's Cinema Club

  We used to watch Tom & Jerry on Saturday mornings at the Village Hall. Let's Recreate something along those lines  Saturday'sC...