Thursday 23 November 2023

Supporting Teachers of English

What challenges do you have in Teaching English, both as a native speaker, and as a non native

What support would be most useful?

Drawing on experience from Teachers, one of our most valuable resources on the planet, as well as forums like Teachers of English in Austria, MELTA in Munich and Malyasia, as well as  T4, OP4L and GEN - what can we offer you to support you more please and overcome those little , or big, challeges that if shared, might just be halved. 

LinkedIn - The Learning Street

Facebook - The Learning Street 

Whatsapp - The Learning Street for Teachers of English 

----- because --- Asked what I do just now in GEN , I replied “spreading happiness, connecting people with passion, nurturing learning communities/creating learning spaces 🙂 / I have taught English in Austria to adults and kids, was married to a teacher in the UK, am passionate about education, wanted to support UK teachers when there, now am keen to support Teachers of English globally”

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Afrika Tage 2024

.... first thoughts here 


The Learning Street - Afrika Tage 2024-2027 plan draft 


For 2024:  

Might we start planning what is possible please

- for example a self running tent with internet a projector, and large screen, ( both BenQ ? ) perhaps a table top interactive display, and posters of African Artists ( Elvis, Mabel, plus Africans in Vienna ) ?

A Solar power eLearning container from Estonia as in Kakuma, hosted there by LWF (care of Hilda) .

Presentations from LWF, JLF , Windle International, Don Bosco/Jugend eine Welt, SOS Kinderdorf on what they are doing to bring education to the African portion of the 244 million kids not in school .

An international Table football league competition representing dust free sport in the main beer tent ?

An informational tent or three where people can wander in and participate as they choose to with no pressure :-)

For 2025-2o27 - based on outcomes of 2024


showcasing People with Passion and Projects from People with Passion

friendly support from Radio Afrika TV, Greener Moringa, AVY, SMART Academy, Vienna Hub & more

Sunday 19 November 2023

Learning Spaces - 12 by 31st December 2023

updates on the 12 in plan ( listed here

News and updates 

20 Nov

5. Global Refugee Basketball - Providing opportunities for refugees to engage in activities that involve sports and education. ---- slight pivot, before getting internet, we need to show a community of learners who would benefit from having internet G.RB. has open air space, and kids aged 4 to 12 who could be drawing. Lets get the Kenyan artist Elvis / Obeezybee to visit, or connect at a Windle or LWF facility, to chat to the kids about his art, which is based on pen and paper only. Lets talk with Jolly, Libro and Pxx in Austria about possible crayons. Lets get 12 more kids story books ( on top of the ones already going around in the "bag of books" project we started ) from the local shop and get a photo of the kids under the shelter drawing and looking at books. ( EXACTLY what we had in the Auer Welsbach park in the summer, after a trip to the Technical Museum, when we stumbled "by chance" onto the Lesen am Park program where someone was in the park with mats to sit on, a box of books and a box of paper and pens and we spent an hour happilly drawing and reading ) I shall ask if i can find 12 kids in Vienna happy to share 2 euros pocket money each to purchase a book in Kenya !!! That as an extension of the bag of books program here we have been running

19 Nov

9. slight pivot, before getting internet, we need to show a community of learners who would benefit from having internet Teach for Community has an open air space, and a bunch of kids aged 4 to 12 who are drawing. Lets get the Kenyan artist Elvis / Obeezybee to visit, or connect at a Windle or LWF facility, to chat to the kids about his art, which is based on pen and paper only. Lets talk with Jolly, Libro and Pxx in Austria about possible crayons. Lets get 12 kids story books from the local shop and get a photo of the kids under the shelter drawing and looking at books. ( EXACTLY what we had in the Auer Welsbach park in the summer, after a trip to the Technical Museum, when we stumbled "by chance" onto the Lesen am Park program where someone was in the park with mats to sit on, a box of books and a box of paper and pens and we spent an hour happilly drawing and reading ) I shall ask if i can find 12 kids in Vienna happy to share 2 euros pocket money each to purchase a book in Kenya !!! That as an extension of the bag of books program here we have been running

up to 18 Nov

1 The Innovation School in Nakivale, where Jonathan is founder and head of school, some 600 pupils

Innovation school 2K likes2K followers we are seeking to get internet installed in Nivember so that teachers have access, we are seeking to get a projector so that kids can watch educational videos as well as perhaps a Saturday cinema with internet we are planning that after school hours we can set up a co-working and co-learning space for adults in the school

3. Freetown November Goal - wifi installed at Lumley Beach cafe, with 7x24 access around the cafe for up to 144 members of The Learning Street getting on hour per day of affordable internet access ( 12 people per hour, 12 hours )

Set up launch event and 4-12 week program to connect expats to other expats, at the cafe in a weekly 90 minute SOLE session

actions required:- a. cost case for wifi b. find 12 expats to invite to the inspirational and exciting 12 week program c. launch event around football competition on beach

Saturday 18 November 2023

Learning more about computers and phones


only found this out two weeks ago myself 

mouse to phone 

keyboard to phone 

projector to phone 

Learning by Singing - Christmas Carols


A great tradition it seems in London at the Royal Albert Hall, perhaps we can recreate a small part of this atmosphere in ( and outside ) The Tube Staion, A-1030, on 2nd December at 6pm and Buhne Mayer, Moedling, on 3rd December ( it would be a repeat of the 200X event there ! ) 

Whats needed? - songsheets, people, venue, .... home based practice , perhaps the following songs :-

Listening to this with my 86 year father and my wife on Christmas evening. What a throw back to an absolutely brilliant time for music and performers, so much talent. Played this during and after Christmas supper. WOW! What a treasure this us.

Friday 17 November 2023

Learning about the Art of Sales

Here is a draft module on Sales Skills

Here is a great book for people interested in Sales - Tom Hopkins, How to Master the Art of Sales 

Starting with Questioning ...


1. please list the "seven words" mentioned

2. please demonstrate a closed question 

please send your answers here ... ( ) 

Thursday 16 November 2023

Learning about Money - Universal Basic Pocketmoney, UBPm


Pocket money - as a kid when I had pocket money, 50% was for spending, 25 percent for savings in post office account, 12.5 % for presents ( birthdays and christmas ) 12.5% for the poor box ( from church ) I saw the savings accrue, and got used to handling money You sent There is much talk of Universal Basic Income. My view is for adults it should be against some form of community service. For kids, it could come as pocket money, ( Universal Basic PocketMoney or UBPm ) You sent it would be useful, educational, well spent guided my mothers, like a Savings and Loan for kids, potenitally crowdfunded from the Global Others.

PS - we kept the money in 4 SwanVesta matchboxes 
cellotaped together with brass paper fasteners 
as draw handles 

Wednesday 15 November 2023


" Just like you are tieing a shoe lace... "

Reef knot

Figure of Eught, used in climbing a lot, when doubled to make a loop

Clove Hitch , also made with two loops crossed over and passed over a pole or pencil 

Tuesday 14 November 2023

CafeDEnglish - English session ( B2 plus) 5th December


Please fill in the poll whether this is of interest. or not, and what level you are if planning to come.

Ideally this event will have around 36 Non English natives teachers as well as 2nd language speakers level b2 and above, mixing at the water cooler with 36 Native English speakers 

Intention - zoom room opens at 9.50, people arrive straight into the zoom call until full ( 99 people ). 33 Breakout rooms are set up, allowing people to move to and between rooms with an average of 3 per room. If following a two person readers theatre script this allows two talking and  one listening/observing.  Comments in the chat can allow people to arrange to meet. Ideally a list of attendees with brief introductions will enable some pre-introductions ( can be a dynamic google document adding yourself just before the meeting for example ) 

more information , pre-learning, scripts etc here 

Saturday 11 November 2023

Impactful Education Investing ?

 posted in 

Impact Entrepreneur 

37,073 members

We are looking to make some more investments in people in Kakuma , a refugee settlement and host community of some 260,000 people, and we are open to ideas and investments.

Working with established local NGOs in camp and increasingly with international organisations through the NGOs, we are seeking to raise and deliver on two investments

1st 900,000 kids books, roughly ten per child
2nd 9,000 in a pilot of eBook readers to allow access to parts of Vienna City Library online book offerings
3rd - open to ideas

Feed post

Children's Cinema Club

  We used to watch Tom & Jerry on Saturday mornings at the Village Hall. Let's Recreate something along those lines  Saturday'sC...