Tuesday 25 June 2024

Children's Cinema Club


We used to watch Tom & Jerry on Saturday mornings at the Village Hall.

Let's Recreate something along those lines 

Saturday'sCool !


Summer 2024

source - here 

pdf, coming as poster

Sunday 23 June 2024

The Learning Street

Nigel Stonham, MBA
Spreading Happiness -> Vienna Happiness Project
Connecting People with Passion -> Vienna Hub
Nurturing Learning Communities -> The Learning Street 

find me on Linkedin  XING facebook 

email footer goes to


46 members

linkedin company goes to 


27 members


Social Learning Members

We are seeking to grow and welcome your support 

Here a sample listing 

The Learning Street - “nurturing learning communities”

Social Learning Members following Social Learning Programs in Social Learning Spaces

Many or most also share their passion through teaching ( free or fee ) 

( to keen learners and without the “crowd control” of many current schools ) 

The  Goal is 10,000 members by 31.3.2025, 1 million by end 2027, 100 million by end 2028

Half on scholarship. Half paying ten dollars per month.

Friday 21 June 2024

Social Learning Members following Social Learning Programs in Social Learning Spaces

One of my prime "teaching" experiences was doing English in the Kreative Hort with two kids aged 4 and two. I spoke to both in English, the 2 year old asked his brother what i said, and the 4 year old "taught" the 2 year old. This is the "teaching" I am talking of. Ripple down from friends, colleagues, parents, siblings... etc. Learning by playing, talking and doing.

Here are some Social Learning Members following Social Learning Programs in Social Learning Spaces

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Social Learning Program - Prime your Brain

 Why Tony?

your feedback on this please in either or both The Learning Street groups here  :- 

fb group :- https://www.facebook.com/groups/298643123999491 

LinkedIn group:- https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12107081/ 

THIS DAILY HABIT will PRIME YOUR BRAIN to be its BEST 🧠 Your MORNING ROUTINE has a lasting impact on the rest of your day.

Use this 15-min PRIMER as a preparation tool to start the day FOCUSSED, ENERGIZED, CREATIVE, CENTERED and CONNECTED to your ultimate outcomes.

It establishes a foundation of GRATITUDE for everything that’s guided us to this moment and the opportunity to START FRESH.

If you have obstacles that are holding you back from who you want to be, PRIMING is one of the most effective tools for bridging that gap.

If you’ve been to any of our live seminars, you’ve experienced PRIMING in person. It’s a simple visualization hashtagmeditation at its core, but it’s one of those things that you can’t just cognitively know— you’ve gotta DO it to experience the benefits of its power.

This video will guide you through your own At Home Priming Exercise:

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Little Britain vs Great Britain


Some say there is no kitchen in Britain, yet we have recently 

introduced some kids here to the delights of Crisp Butties and 

Banana Sandwiches, much to their delight.

Some of you know Britain from the TV and cinema, 

like Little Britain, The Royal Weddings and Funerals and 

of course The Inbetweeners (18+)

Some of you have been there, ( some are there now as we write 

this ) 

This week, A variety of offerings to meet some Brits in Vienna:-

Down at The Tube Station on Thursday night 20th, a special version of 

CafeDEnglish with Sav and Franziska, at 5.30 prior to the 

England vs Denmark game at 6, during which you will be 

welcomed and offered a Sausage or two by Barry.

On Saturday 22nd Is the Christchurch Midsummer Street Party.

Much frivolity and consumption of food and beverages, many with 

Commonwealth flavourings. Do you know how many people consider

themselves part of the Commonwealth?

Don't be shy, "come in and find out"... 

Any questions - here on fb please 


Sunday 16 June 2024

Box of Books


New concept appeared today, after the Streetfest

3 tents, 12 books in each, on a heuriger table with benches ( or on a blanket on the ground )

6 kids per tent for half an hour with parents, rotate throught the books and through the three tents.

Kids get to touch and feel ( and see and read, or get read to ) 36 books in 90 minutes.

A flip chart page showing who is booked into the slots is self managed by parents or guardians, who take responsibility for the kids and the protection of the books

Venues ideas: Jesuitenwiese ( pilot 19th June 2024 - clash with kids safety event by tech museum, a venue closer to home perhaps ) Sommerbads, Kakuma and Nakivale, and more
Note - Also works indoors at Pizzeria Mama Mia, Pickwicks and Gota.
Resources required - see project plan here ( coming below )

Project Manager Position - Voluntary ( skills and experience building )

 Note . The Learning Street is seeking to make this a reality, for someone in Ghana, other locations are possible .-

July 2024 to September 2024 - 3 month pilot

Project Manager for The Learning Street

Pilot project to set up and run a Social Learning Space in Accra ( or other town, city or camp ), with target of building membership of 144 learners for an hour each per day in groups of 12 in a 25 m2 space with wifi, laptops, 12 chairs and art on the wall. 

Possible extension of further annex with 8 beds allowing 24 ( street ) kids to sleep safely for 8 hours per day, rotating with 8 hours learning and 8 hours following an outbound entrepreneurship program.

To include a bag of books program ( alias Box of Books ) that has 50 bags of 5-7 books that rotate around 50 children weekly, bringing 250 books in a year to children that had previously barely seen kids books ( requires only 250 books, 50 kids and 50 bags. ) After one year can rotate again or the books are given to the kids to keep. ( Mini entry point, to have 250 mini books, which are one sheet of A4 paper folded - see samples here - source of those books could be a creative writing competition where the prize is circulation of the book. Alternative, each week the 50 kids get a new set of 1-5 pages A4 printed, and build a set of 50-250 books by year end. )

CafeDEnglish is a low entry point project, whereby native English or German speakers offer some time at a local venue, or online, to speak to small groups of learners. All that is needed is a space, some time, and some people. Special focus is on kids with early retired teachers online.

With intention to continue as business development manager for a network of such Social Learning Spaces and Social Learning Programs, building the Social Learning Membership globally to 10,000 by 31.3.2025

if interested, please first join Vienna Hub Creative Circles - Welcome! and find out a little bit more, and then get in touch

Wednesday 12 June 2024



sample story ( scraped here ) normally created locally and and sent by fb message ( free of charge )  to someone with fast internet - source https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/.../green-wars-a2/b1 - /  
sample text -  Plan 1: Guerrilla gardening The time is what the army call 'oh-three-hundred-hours' – three o'clock in the morning. We're in the car park of the sports centre. It's empty except for me and my best friend, Janey and an old truck. It belongs to the company that put grass on the town football pitch last week. 'What are we doing here?' I ask. 'Here's the plan,' says Janey. 'First, we take that truck ...' 'I'm going home,' I say. 'Good night.' 'Then, we drive to the Town Hall. And then we use the grass in the truck to cover the high street from top to bottom. Like one great big garden. Are you ready?' I think about it for a moment. Then I smile. 'OK,' I say. 'Let's go.' ... Our new green high street is beautiful.
in principle:-
The text is uploaded remotely here, by a team from The Learning Street 
as in 

The Learning Street pdfs are stored here for public access 
The pdfs are printed locally, for example at PDRI in Kakuma Camp, and available for collection free of charge  by local Social Learning Members of The Learning Street, assuming the print costs are covered with sponsoring on the back of the minibook.
Competition run from this fb group - VH CC Writers or one from The Learning Street later 

sample Backside of the Minibook 



Children's Cinema Club

  We used to watch Tom & Jerry on Saturday mornings at the Village Hall. Let's Recreate something along those lines  Saturday'sC...