Saturday 29 February 2020


Q - Could you fill me out on the details of the project please?

A - Setting up "learning spaces" in a project called The Learning Street to deliver training along the street into a membership community of 144 people to start, 12 lessons of 12 learners per week...

TLS Learning Spaces

Great places for learning..
A Learning Space is designed as a safe space for learning in a group, like a library or a coffee shop, or a club room - but designed specifically for 12 people and a coach, with art on the wall and wifi. It is designed to be in a shop or shop in shop on the street, under a tree in hot climes, perhaps a tent or large umbrella in other areas or in pop up events in the park. The main thing is its a space for twelve learners to come together for 45 or 90 minutes in a group, either all learning the same thing, or all learning their own thing but together ( ie online in a group ) Its a membership community, made sustainable by the core groupof 144 people ( 12 x 12, paying a 33 euro/pound/dollar membership fee in return for one hour per week of premium/paid training, for example in Austria an English lesson for Austrians or a German lesson for migrants. So thats for 12 hours per week, leaving plenty of time for other paid offerings, or free to all or free to some offerings... :-)

Thursday 27 February 2020

Learning English from natives

The Learning Street has quite an ambitious plan to set up 2020 Learning Spaces in 2020

The intention is to form Learning Communities around those safe spaces for learning.

A membership community of 144 people is envisioned at each Learning Space, each getting a basic package of 1 hour a week per 4 weeks on a topic of value, in return for 4 weekly membership of 33 pounds/euros/dollars

Lessons suggested include

1. English from natives
2. Entrepreneurship
3 Python for beginners
4. Goal Mapping Happiness
5. Coding for kids with Robo Wunderkind
6. German in Austria, for Migrants

English from natives is interesting. We believe an hour a week n conversation with an English native could be very worthwhile, either for improving language, or for discusssion of world events with a unique English vewpoint.

The Learning Street is reaching out to find English native trainers in a variety of locations ( 2020 in 2020 ) and those inlcude

D in Reg.

Carla in USA -  who offers online courses - current offer being 30$ for 1 hour per week in a group of 5 via zoom.  info here

M in Munich

S in Wien

Nigel here and there

Richard in Ch.

A in Bristol and by internet

Programs being developed are guided by a team of great educationalists here

Monday 24 February 2020

Bilingual dialogue : Going to court of law.

Bilingual dialogue : Going to court of law.

Original dialogue from bridg
Build the sentences
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German exercise "Bilingual dialogue : Going to court of law." created by alken with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from alken]
Click here to see the current stats of this German test

 Please log in to save your progress.

Click on words to build sentences. Click on boxes to start again.


















End of the free exercise to learn German: Bilingual dialogue : Going to court of law.
A free German exercise to learn German.
Other German exercises on the same topics : Speaking | Bilingual dialogues | All our lessons and exercises

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Thursday 20 February 2020

The Learning Street

Call for native German speakers for Cafe DEnglish in Wien

Call for native German speakers to participate in next stage of Cafe DEnglish in Wien...
Looking to build a pool of 72 native speakers to rotate into facilitated group tandem sessions around Vienna, to support conversation practice with migrants learning German
As a migrant myself slowly learning German here in Austria I know many of the challenges, one of which is finding friendly people to practice what you learned in class.
Cafe DEnglish which started in 2017 brings together learners and natives - of both English and German - but not at the same time... ( You do not need to be offering the same person your own language in exchange for the one you are learning )
This next stage, starting at Regus Nineteen on 24th Feb, runs for 4 weeks on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 09:00 to 10:30. Starting with a lesson from an experienced trainer on Monday, the two sessions of speed talking practice Tuesday and Wednesday give a chance to practice talking. The native speakers are not teaching, merely conversation partners, led by the learner.
Given the mix of migrants - one group looking to start soon is hoped to include people having a Spanish/English mix, a Finnish/Italian mix, a Brazilian and a Syrian - and the fact that they are normally B1/B2 ( ie: not total beginnners ) there is lots of interesting two way cultural conversation to be had. ( One of my early polycollege courses had 19 learners from 19 countries, a more recent course had 12 learners from 12 countries... )
A problem often hear from migrants is that they dont have Austrian friends... often that is because you dont meet Austrians on a German course. Cafe DEnglish is different, and offers native speakers with whom one can learn, and share a laugh, and a coffee. Or tea.
rsvp re joining native speaking pool below

Children's Cinema Club

  We used to watch Tom & Jerry on Saturday mornings at the Village Hall. Let's Recreate something along those lines  Saturday'sC...