Thursday, 27 February 2020

Learning English from natives

The Learning Street has quite an ambitious plan to set up 2020 Learning Spaces in 2020

The intention is to form Learning Communities around those safe spaces for learning.

A membership community of 144 people is envisioned at each Learning Space, each getting a basic package of 1 hour a week per 4 weeks on a topic of value, in return for 4 weekly membership of 33 pounds/euros/dollars

Lessons suggested include

1. English from natives
2. Entrepreneurship
3 Python for beginners
4. Goal Mapping Happiness
5. Coding for kids with Robo Wunderkind
6. German in Austria, for Migrants

English from natives is interesting. We believe an hour a week n conversation with an English native could be very worthwhile, either for improving language, or for discusssion of world events with a unique English vewpoint.

The Learning Street is reaching out to find English native trainers in a variety of locations ( 2020 in 2020 ) and those inlcude

D in Reg.

Carla in USA -  who offers online courses - current offer being 30$ for 1 hour per week in a group of 5 via zoom.  info here

M in Munich

S in Wien

Nigel here and there

Richard in Ch.

A in Bristol and by internet

Programs being developed are guided by a team of great educationalists here

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