Monday 20 April 2020

Books from People with Passion

Leave only footprints, Take only photos,

leave your legacy in a book ...

Virtual book Signings from People with Passion.....

Stone Soup

Happiness Works! on a road to Freedom
Stephen Whiteley

The Art of Possibility
Ben Zander

Happy Cities
Charles Montgomery

Power of you, by Hannah
with Ian, moderated by Gabriele

ArtProject Happiness
by Petronilla , with Yanina amd Gerry,  moderated by Sergio

BiPolar World and 16 Words of Hope
by Petronilla and Sergio, moderated by Gabriele & Zoraiz

Mr Happy

Life Mapping
Brian Mayne

Business is Personal

Born a Crime
Trevor Noah 

But he calls me blessed!
Sarah Udoh-Grossfurthner

The Empty Raincoat
Charles Handy

Re!Invented Lives
with Valerie, moderated by Alexandra Reis. Rise.Up

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