Wednesday 22 April 2020

VirtualHiS!cool Assembly 23.4.2020

inspirational music.. walk in , waiting room...


Vienna Hub Video - What is Vienna Hub

pre learning

Veronika -

Alex - lingophant

Trixi - Renee - world games Klagenfurt impcted by Corona

 - tbc, Roby.. ?

then Imran in zoom with xx .. Robyn and the others

breakout rooms with some Big Questions ....

- what would your asssembly plan look like for tomorrow please ?
- who was the most impactful speaker at your assembly?
- if you were in charge of education what would you propose for next week ?

regroup and each group invited to present one slide and 3o seconds.... recorded and replayed.

Emma's Art Room

over to you emma :-)

closing remars and feedback form, we want to know what you think, please send your comments here nigelstonhamcoaching at gmail dot com ..

close - return to day as unusual

playout music,

The Moedling Stick... who can you give one to today? videos in comments please .

10:00 Cafe DENglish - English - adults
11: 00 CafeDEnglish - English - kids
19:15 pizza
Dinnernations Vienna - PopUp Pizza Party, fantastic family fun
more information here on internations the platform for expat communications
Zoom in and join us
questions please to nigelstonhamcoaching at gmail dot com 


if it comes
Join Tracys Reading Room and other sessions. info here
Watch this space for the weekly offerings
10:00 Cafe DENglish - English - adults
11: 00 CafeDEnglish - English - kids
coming soon...
Finance wihth Emanuel
Money/Finance with Jiaran
Art with Emma
Anytime courses ( not live )
Happiness MOOC

important ...

Have schools killed creativity ?
Has Corona killed schools ?
What's next, back to the past based on lack of desire 4(word)play or forward to the future based on the past ?

1 comment:

  1. pizza zoom link info here :-
    Join Zoom Meeting
    Meeting ID: 810 6455 8328
    Password: behappynow


Football Summer Camp Kenya

  Summer Week being organised in Kenya, 100 kids expected, currently only have one football contact for ideas please CaSO Youths   or Vienna...