Friday 3 July 2020

A challenge

join a group of young learners and together come up with individual or group resonse to this :-

I am happy to announce that YuWaah and UNICEF in partnership with Atal Innovation Mission, supported by Design for Change, have launched the YuWaah Youth Challenge!

The #ImaginationUnlimited - YuWaah Youth Challenge - calls upon young people (10-24 years) from across the country to create solutions for some of the challenges faced by the society in the wake of COVID-19. The aim is to tap into the creative and problem-solving minds of young people; encouraging young change makers and solution providers of the future. The Youth Challenge calls for applications from young people to create solutions around the following themes: environment, education, health, livelihood & information.

Here is the link to the website for the challenge, and a brochure with more details is attached with this mail.

Registrations close on July 15, 2020

#YuWaah #unicef #youth #changemakers #youthengagement # #youngpeople

thank you EarthLight for bringing this to my attention 

The #ImaginationUnlimited - YuWaah Youth Challenge - calls upon young people (10-24 years) to create solutions for some of the challenges faced by the society in the wake of COVID-19. The aim is to tap into the creative and problem-solving minds of young people; encouraging young change makers and solution providers of the future. The Youth Challenge calls for applications from young people to create solutions around the following themes: environment, education, health, livelihood & information.…/abhishekguptak_how-can-you-do-it…

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  • Nigel Stonham interested to collaborate on this , working with some teams of young people to formualte individual or team responses
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