Friday, 3 July 2020

The Learning Space - Kitui

Working with Jeff Kin to provide a 24 hour per day learning space for 12 people here. 


Kitui is a town in Kenya, 180 kilometres east of Nairobi and 105 kilometres east of Machakos. it covers an area approximately 30,496.4 km sqaures and lies between latitudes 0°10 South and 3°0 South and longitudes 37°50 East and 39°0 East. Wikipedia / Population: 29,062 (2019)

24 groups of 12 people learning around the clock in a team environment for an hour per day. Their own learning plans or all following a MOOC on Happiness, on Maths, or perhaps English 

1 comment:

Football Summer Camp Kenya

  Summer Week being organised in Kenya, 100 kids expected, currently only have one football contact for ideas please CaSO Youths   or Vienna...