Thursday, 20 August 2020

Aug 21 - Matrix Reader's Theater


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Tracy Hanson shared a link.

Welcome to our Matrix Reader's Theater Group where people from around the world come to share in the reading and discussing of a story while practicing their English all done in the relaxing environment of their own home. We run every Monday and Friday at 9:00 am EST and anyone is welcomed. Our Zoom room opens at 8:45 for a meet and greet and our club goes "live" at 9:00.

Meeting ID: 603 493 6986

Tracy Hanson
August 21st

 OUR OPEN MRT SESSION - Executive Director, Piya Ratna will be our host as we read "The True Story of the Three Little Pigs". It raises the questions, Are wolves always the bad guy, or girl, in Fairy Tales?, what does "A wolf in sheep's clothing" mean and what are these types of phrases called? Join us at 9:00 am EST in the MRT Zoom Room:

Image may contain: Piya Ratna, screen, text that says 'Piya Ratna Nepal'

Monday, August 3 we graduated our first group of MRT Family facilitators and named our Executive Directors. Beginning August 9, MRT Board members will be hosting our room Monday and Friday and is open to the public. Group begins at 9:00 am EST. Zoom Link:

Image may contain: 11 people, including Nilanjana Chatterjee, Cicely Greaves, Piya Ratna and Gogo Maneta, text that says 'MRT EXECUTIVE BOARD Nilanjana Chatterjee India Neba Grace Cameroon Yekaterina Tolmacheva Russia Gogo Gogo (Georgia) Maneta Greece Abdelkader Makhlouf Algeria Nadezhda Ivanova Russia Piya Ratna Nepal Olga Zavorina Russia Olga Nikiforova Russia Cicely Greaves USA Executive Board Advisor Tracy Hanson USA Founder'

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