Tuesday 15 September 2020

Cafe DEnglish on the move

Cafe DEnglish puts native speakers together with learners for "speed talking". 60 minutes of one to one conversation with 6 different people in 60 minutes. To support the language learned in class, to make friends, and to learn more by speaking. 

Combined with travel around Wien or Austria "socially distanced" on public transport ( masked) and visiting cafes on tables of two or 4 as allowed, it is learning on the move, for people going places. 

Join in some pilot groups here - you might learn something useful.... contact via fb Cafe DEnglish or nigel-at-thelearningstreet.org 




Vision - that on arrival in Austria, ( or another EU country) all newcomers are offered an intensive language learning experience, ( similar to that on offer commercially now ) , of lessons, conversation, geographical, sport and social awareness.  Meeting local entrepreneurs and learning some entrepreurship. 3 months paired with Austrians ( locals )  in a group of 12 Austrians and 12 migrants. Intention - to get to B2 level of local language, with ability to contribute to local community afterwards in a role average working week ( 35hours ), at minumum working wage, after the welcome package.  This as a base to move onwards and upwards if they desire.

One element of the pilot is an innovative extension to Cafe DEnglish, where 24 people are based at the OEBB innovation centre and AMS Hietzing, and from there they travel daily 5 days a week on public transport in groups of 4, two Austrians with two migrants ( or one might be an erasmus guest from another country )  The groups of 4 vary from the pool of 24.

The Austrians are native speakers and share their language. The migrants share their stories. All observe the passing scenery and stop at places along the way. Trips are researched and planned one or two days a week together from spaces in Vienna. ( ÖBB, cafes, parks etc ) Other groups in other parts of Austria are visited and 8 people share coffee and experiences 

Partners - ÖBB - SMART Academy - The Learning Street - Start with a friend - Happy Cafe Mariahilf - Lingophant - Everyone Codes - Tribes like ours - The Impact Hub - WAFF - ipcenter - AMS - Vienna Happiness Project - Aux Gazelles - FC Mariahilf - AWAT - Gschamster Diener - Wiener Linien - VHS - Bucherei Wien - Hilfswerk - Ankerbrot Fabrik - Infineon @ TU - A1 internet fuer alle - busuu - Vienna Hub - Women with Passion - Frau in der Wirtschaft 

Marginal cost of progam - zero - since it is "funded" by offering the participants ( AMS clients )  "praktikums of 12 weeks" at no additional cost, ( or seniors on pension, or parents in Karenz, or volunteers ) , and the travel is offered by ÖBB and Wiener Linien at no marginal cost. It is designed to  compliment or to follow on from a classroom based 2 or 4 months course with a teacher - mornings in class, afternoons on the train .... Lunch ( sandwiches ) and coffees ( some might be gifted by partner cafes ) are covered as now from the basic income

Next steps - pilot of 24 volunteers starting at once - meeting with SWAF / ÖBB / Infineon

( possible extensions  - parents with kids 2 parents and 2 kids on the trains... and a week in Vienna for groups from around Austria and from around Europe after lockdown ) 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nigel, I think this could be a nice experience for me.
    What do I have to do?



  FR -  Cherchant à nous appuyer sur les programmes CafeDEnglish, nous explorons CafeFRenglish, destiné au monde francophone (quelque 660 mi...