Tuesday 8 September 2020

Hietzing Learning Space

Baby Cafe / Kids Club / Toddler Treff with Space for Co-Working/Co-Learning/Co-Resting

Concept - following home office and home schooling... come together with others.. to do both but better 

.. 6 parents and 6 pre kindergarten kids... 3 parents engage the kids for 90 minutes while 3 work rest or learn. After 90 minutes, the parents swap over. 

You get time with your kids, and with others kids ( and parents), to share your ideas, passion and energy. You also get time alone with clear headspace to rest, work or study. Your kids get to meet regularly with a steady group of other kids - same kids come each day, or every day.... 

If there is no room rental ( meeting at home, in park, or free use rooms back room in cafe ? ) there need be no charge. If there are room costs or other materials like art, books or toys to invest in and share, some investment, sponsoring, fees or donation based funding might be useful.

Looking to test the water with a pilot in a rental room:-

8am doors open

8 to 9 free play

9 to 12 two sessions of playtime / freetime

12 to 13 eat together ( ie pizza, foodora or possible self cooking in group )  

1300 doors close  

Notes :-

i - you or your designated guardian ( aunt/ uncle / sibling, grandparent, babysitting friend ) holds responsibility for your child throughout. This is not "daycare" where you leave your kid with others. It is an extended home, where friends meet in a larger than usual lounge type area... as if "at ( one persons )  home" with all that entails. The 6 kids link to 12 parents and 24 grandparents, so the guardian role could be alternated, like "job share".  (impt - since the kids are friends,  it is forseen that midweek sleepovers are possible with friends, making it possible for parents to do mini-trips alone in the week )  

ii - Both rental venues and free venues are being explored. Of course summer is better outdoors, and winter indoors unless skiiing. Forest Group being looked at in Hetzing. Very possible that the group could be run for a week or two in a ski resort in winter or lake venue as a summer camp. (Extended family /"village" outing ) 

iii. Life-long life-wide learning - full time options and for older kids being explored. In a group of 12 kids, with 24 parents and 48 grandparents, would there be enough skill and experience in the adults to educate the kids, privately - in a class size of just 12, to national education standards at primary, secondary and tertiary level? (Yes! we believe). If the group of 12 is part of a matrix of 12 other groups locally, then the child is exposed to a variety of other kids - like in a small school.  As a matrix connected to other such groups in other countries, international exchanges and projects could bring about truly global education of global citizens.

update :- PrePilots ->



  venue for 16th Sept


  1. This is the start of a great and much needed idea, community home-schooling. It takes a village to raise a child!!!


Football Summer Camp Kenya

  Summer Week being organised in Kenya, 100 kids expected, currently only have one football contact for ideas please CaSO Youths   or Vienna...