Monday 28 September 2020

"I am a refugee"

 here is my story...

please watch my story and get in touch with us here 

- another view of the camp here in pictures / here from Keith Bedford

Kakuma refugee camp

Established in 1992 following the arrival the “Lost Boys of Sudan” and with a population of nearly 190,000, the UNHCR refugee camp in Kakuma, Kenya, now resembles a sprawling shanty town. It has shops, restaurants, trades, and a makeshift power grid. Southern New Hampshire University has established an online degree program in the UNHCR refugee camp. The competency-based program, which has little traditional classroom time, provides students hope. -- Photography by Keith Bedford/Globe Staff - Read the Story -

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Football Summer Camp Kenya

  Summer Week being organised in Kenya, 100 kids expected, currently only have one football contact for ideas please CaSO Youths   or Vienna...