Friday, 30 December 2022

Global Citizenship Training

 We are looking at three programs:-

Apprentice Global Citizen

Global Citizenship Intern

Continuing Professional Development for Global Citizens

... as well as of course a route for kids aged 1-4, the formative years, 

and from 5 to 11, the junior school years, and from 11-15-18 the 

secondary school years... 

One idea is to connect Teachers or English together for a daily whatsapp call of ten minutes, where a small group get to exchange conversation as if in the coffee room before or during work. We are approaching 3 people in each of Kenya, Sierra Leone and Pakistan for a first trial. Another grouping possible is that of students, again 3 each of Kenya, Sierra Leone and Pakistan. There is space in each group for another 3 from English native speakers. A third group to pilot is that of changemakers, of which there are many around the world. Please make yourself known here if interested.

This here seems an option for an initial program to do with empowerment 


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Football Summer Camp Kenya

  Summer Week being organised in Kenya, 100 kids expected, currently only have one football contact for ideas please CaSO Youths   or Vienna...