Tuesday 26 September 2023

Educational TEKTOK digital supply chain podcast


Brief summary below of the first minutes, listen to the full podcast here 

from Karin Bursa on LinkedIn here

Episode Transcript

Intro/Outro (00:01):

Welcome TEKTOK digital supply chain podcast, where we will help you eliminate the noise and focus on the information and inspiration that you need to transform your business impact supply chain success and enable you to replace risky inventory with valuable insights. Join your TEKTOK, host Karin Bursa, the 2020 supply chain pro to no of the year with more than 25 years of supply chain and technology expertise and the scars to prove it. Karin has the heart of a teacher and has helped nearly 1000 customers transform the their businesses and tell their success stories. Join the conversation, share your insights and learn how to harness technology innovations to drive tangible business results. Buckle up is time for TEKTOK powered by supply chain now.

Karin Bursa (01:05):

Well, welcome back supply chain movers and shakers. Karin Bursa here. I’m your host for TEKTOK, the digital supply chain podcast. Thanks for tuning in today. You know, in this episode, we’re gonna cover some supply chain basics. These are the basics that every business person or investor should understand, and maybe every one of your family members as well before all of you supply chain experts. Yes, that’s you, you supply chain movers and shakers before you skip forward to the next TEKTOK episode. Let me suggest this. You may wanna share this particular episode with family friends, coworkers that just need that foundation in supply chain. I hope it gives them a better understanding of the remarkable and important work that you and your teams do each and every day. So in my role as a supply chain technology industry advisor, I am often asked to provide an overview of supply chain basics for executive leaders for new hires and for interested investors that’s right, these same questions.

Karin Bursa (02:21):

These same fundamentals, um, are provided for a wide variety of audiences. And clearly each of these audiences has a very different point of view. They’re seeking to learn and understand for very different reasons, but quite honestly, they all boil down to understanding how companies serve customers and do so in an efficient and profitable manner and how this, how supply chain can help to differentiate them in the marketplace. All right, so these building blocks often lay the foundation for significantly more information, significantly more complexity, and a better understanding of market opportunity. So I thought I would share some of them with you here on tech talk. So as many of you and I, I have my little cheat sheet by the way. So if you’re looking at this on video, you see my notes. If you simply look down a couple of times, I just wrote, I wanted to be sure to cover with you today.

Karin Bursa (03:22):

So when COVID 19 shut down the world in March of 2020, that’s right. We are just a little over two full years of the impact of such an extreme disruption on business, on supply chains on personal life. And when my friends and family could no longer get hand sanitizer bottles of water or toilet paper, the supply chain suddenly got personal and they finally began to understand more about why I have invested more than 25 years into helping companies get the right pro to the right place at the right time at the lowest possible cost right products, right place, right time at the lowest possible cost. So supply chains have always been a part of daily life and product based businesses. In fact, many with even argue that service based businesses have supply chains as well, but let’s, uh, let’s keep things very simple here. Remember, this is some supply chain basics, or really some, uh, some fundamental building blocks, uh, that can help you kind of get that, uh, thought process underway.

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