Thursday 2 November 2023

Content - Goal Mapping


Goals are important, they feature as

one of the ten keys to happier living.

Brian has experience and offers


November Goal in Kakuma Camp

- 144 kids aged 13  to watch videos and

join zoom with Brian and develop a goal

map online to share with the others

1 Simon review materials from Brian Mayne

2 Simon gather group/s of youngsters to watch

selected videos online and discuss

3. Simon hosts zoom meeting of those

youngsters with Brian, and they develop

a goal map online

Content - Goal Mapping Brian Mayne

 Intro . Brian Mayne introduces Goal Mapping

Goal Mapping Practitioner Programme Becoming Certified in Goal Mapping as a Coach, Facilitator or Practitioner will enable you to:
Coach your clients to achieve their goals, dreams and genuine success whilst boosting their self confidence and self belief.
Build your clients’ natural goal setting abilities.
Stand out with your unique offering of Goal Mapping to prospective new clients.

more info here

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