Thursday 23 May 2024

Social Learning Programs - It's SEW easy


Cub Scouts used to have a badge for sewing a button on. I was there 

Those same skills allowed us to make a bag for the "bag of books" ( which notably came out of the "box of books"  50 years later

Reusable sanitary pads are seen as a way forward for girls to better attend school all year, and groups of people are clubbing together to make them

We are exploring how to increase the production, perhaps by promoting such skills in young people, teaching sewing to youngsters which could lead to a career in clothes making among other things

How to start?

- find some clothes makers or sellers in Vienna who could teach a few young people how to sew reusable sanitary pads, to sell them in Vienna and Europe, promoting the project and perhaps supporting one for one abroad, as per Tom's Shoes...  and look where that led. 

Join the project now - facebook group VH CC Sewing 

Possible Collaborations we can see - Humana, ErdbeereWoche, Barbara Alli, our local tailor, Boy Scout Association, Reach the Dream Foundation 

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- Summer 2024

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