Saturday 13 July 2024

Afternoon Program for Kids



Ideas to address an opportunity in Kenya of an entertaining and fun 
program for kids from 2pm to 7pm after school

Based on a rolling 3 hour program , where three groups of 12 or 24 kids 
take part in one of three activivites at the same time, and then rotate on 
to the next. A 40 minute activity, with 20 minutes resting. Sample order 
here, the first three sessions can be at same time as above

Sports - baseball 5, hockey, rugby, volleyball, netball - ballsports 
also, , SUSA 

Video watching 20 minutes  followed by 20 minutes KidsCafeDEnglish
zooming with other kids who have just watched the same thing in other 
countries to chat about that or anything kids want to talk of. Alternate 
same groups chatting and new kids , sources - 
Amazon Prime 

Books, Bags, Sewing and Drawing & Writing , Chess, Photography, Film
A variety of games, sports, reading, writing, creative activities 

as 3pm

as 4pm or 5pm 
plus perhaps preparing food

7pm perhaps eat together, maybe with parents and guardians and friends or neighbours

A flexible program concept - could run for one hour per day, 
3 hours per day, all day. One day per week, or every day of the year. 
Could start at 2pm after school, or at 6am when its cooler ? 

Variations for adults also, and as training program for trainers 

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