Sunday 21 May 2023


May / June 2023 

See doodle to register interest please here 

Adventure dining for adults and kids, or adults or kids. Bring your kids or come alone. Meet others. Check out new places to take your family too later on ... 

22 May - Nam Nam 

29 May Pizzeria Mama Mia 

5 June - Yak & Yeti

12,19,26 June Venues to be shared with participants

more soon

Call to Action
:- please join the Vienna Hub group on facebook or whatsapp for updates

previous events - Jan 2023 - Movember 2022 - 2002 




1 comment:

Football Summer Camp Kenya

  Summer Week being organised in Kenya, 100 kids expected, currently only have one football contact for ideas please CaSO Youths   or Vienna...