Thursday 4 July 2024

Social Learning Program - Baseball 5 with Denis - Teaser

Denis  (  ) founded and runs 

South Rockies Baseball5 ClubSports team with 612 followers 


Here a sample video from them-> 

Baseball 5 in Australia - >

The best sporting field in the world.
“Baseball5 is a lot more than a game”

what happened in Jordan 2019

and in Kakuma in 2023

One way to kickstart this is through a soft launch of a blended learning program where kids get to watch world class video materials delivered locally or online topped and tailed by local or online facilitators. for example, a 40 minute zoom session - Sunday'sCool

zoom room or classroom 

5 mins - Welcome

5 minutes - kids at play - south rockies video 

7 minutes - discussion

3 minutes - WBSC intro

"in a few minutes we will show you everything you need to know 
to play the worlds most inclusive new game - baseball 5" 

5 minutes - discussion

3 minutes - famous players

4 minutes - more info and chat

6 minutes - discussion & close 

total plan time - 40 minutes 

Private group
proposal, to offer this Social Learning Program Schnupper as a fund raiser  in 
a. The Learning Street Social Learning Space Berlin in July and 
b. at Na Nang Verein Vienna on 13th July 2024 
c. to be decided - perhaps the AAI in Vienna ? or ?

With friendly support from :-


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Social Learning Program - Baseball 5 with Denis - Teaser

Denis  (  ) founded and runs  South Rockies Baseball5 Club ,  Sports team with 612 foll...